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What Is So Special About Kale?

faye hall

Why does everybody rave about kale?

Kale is a part of the cabbage family. It has attractive curly leaves that are deep green in colour and are where nearly all the nutrients are found. It is amongst the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. 

Kale is an excellent source of vitamins K and C, as well as containing useful amounts of manganese, copper and phytochemicals, which are believed to help against certain types of cancer. 

Vitamin K is an important nutrient. It is absolutely critical for blood clotting and does this by “activating” certain proteins and giving them the ability to bind calcium.
Vitamin C in kale is higher than most other vegetables, containing about 4.5 times much as spinach. It is necessary to synthesize collagen, the most abundant structural protein in the body.


Like other leafy greens kale is very high in antioxidants. This includes beta-carotene which the body can turn into vitamin A which plays a vital role in bone growth, reproduction and immune system health.

One of the most common consequences of ageing is that eyesight gets worse. Fortunately, there are several nutrients in the diet that can help prevent this from happening. Two of the main ones are lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid antioxidants that are found in large amounts in kale.

Now you are aware of the benefits why not try to add more kale into your diet?

It can be enjoyed raw in salads and smoothies or dehydrated and eaten as kale chips which are a healthy alternative to potato chips and vegetable crisps.