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Nature2Nature Raw Recipes

Raw Chocolate Flan

faye hall

raw chocolate pudding.jpg

For the crust:
2 cups of walnuts (no need to soak)
8 Medjool dates
1 ½ cup of shredded coconut
1 pinch of Himalayan salt

For the filling:
2 Avocados
2 tablespoons Cocoa powder
2 tablespoons of dark Agave Nectar
4 Medjool dates (soaked for 30 mins)

To make the crust:
Mix the coconut and the walnuts in a food processor until coarse. Add the dates to the mixture.
Bind together until the mixture is fully blended. Pour into a tart pan. Smooth out, making sure the mixture reaches the edges

To make the filling:
Mix the avocados, cocoa powder, soaked dates and Agave Nectar together in a food processor for 30 seconds. Check the consistency is smooth, if not blend for a further 10 seconds, maximum.
Pour this mixture on top of the crust mixture
Place flan in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
Decorate with fresh strawberries or your favourite fruit.